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Bridging the Divide: Machine Learning in Medicine

Ithaca, NY          September 27-28 2018

A symposium will be held on the Cornell-Ithaca campus September 27th and 28th, 2018 to bring together researchers and clinicians to present recent work and initiate collaborations. Participants from WCM/Cornell-Tech will arrive by bus at lunchtime on the first day, which will include faculty presentations, an evening trainee poster reception and formal dinner. The second day will include presentations in the morning and afternoon break-out sessions into focused working groups to discuss details of collaborative projects and grant proposals. NYC participants will return via bus on the evening of the second day. Trainees (postdoctoral fellows, residents, medical students, graduate students and undergraduates) are especially encouraged to attend and present posters, which will be peer-reviewed. 

Final Agenda

Keynote Speaker









Poster abstract submission

Deadline: July 27th - CLOSED

Prizes will be awarded to the top trainee presentations.

Please email your one-page abstract (including figures and references) to

Dorin Comaniciu, PhD

Vice President, Medical Imaging Technologies

Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc

Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Advanced Imaging and Precision Medicine

The talk will focus on applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare. It will highlight how AI drives efficiency and productivity, improves patient experience, contributes to outcomes that matter to patients, and increases the quality of care by expanding precision medicine. We will discuss state-of-the-art and challenges of AI adoption and inclusion in the clinical workflow. We will address scanner and instrument level technologies, workflows covering reading and guidance, and patient-centric clinical decision support, together with advanced concepts such as the Digital Twin.

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